Avian Research and Conservation Institute (ARCI) has partnered with, among others, International Paper (IP), the American Bird Conservancy, Orleans Audubon Society, Resource Management Service (RMS), …
Crossing the Gulf of Mexico: GPS-tracked Swallow-tailed Kites from Palm Beach County, Florida take to the wind.
ARCI is following four GSM-GPS tracked Swallow-tailed Kites from Palm Beach County, Florida with help from our partners at the Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society as well as the Palm Beach …
Against all odds, Swallow-tailed Kites nested on Sanibel Island, Florida after Hurricane Ian.
ARCI has been tracking two GPS-GSM-tagged adult Swallow-tailed Kites from Sanibel Island since 2021 (see their intro blog). After the kites departed for their winter grounds in 2022, Hurricane Ian …
We Have Liftoff! First GPS-tracked Swallow-tailed Kite leaves Florida on southbound migration this season.
It’s that time of year again when we say adios to those feathered beauties that have been gracing our southeastern skies since March. Most Swallow-tailed Kites that breed in the U.S are getting ready …
Why we count Kites and how you can help.
Annual Swallow-tailed Kite Population Monitoring Survey Every year since 1989, ARCI has conducted systematic aerial surveys to count Swallow-tailed Kites at more than 15 large pre-migration …
Continue Reading about Why we count Kites and how you can help.
Two GPS-tracked Swallow-tailed Kites from Sanibel, Florida return to a hurricane-changed island and persevere!
The last time Bailey’s Homestead and Sanibel Botanical, two GPS/GSM-tracked Swallow-tailed Kites saw their breeding grounds it had looked quite different than it did upon their return in 2023. …
Three Palm Beach County Swallow-tailed Kites make a safe flight across the Gulf of Mexico and return to breeding territories.
WOW! Swallow-tailed Kites are back and getting busy with nest building and laying eggs. We highlight the northbound migration of three GSM-GPS-tracked Swallow-tailed Kites from Palm Beach County. …
2023 nest monitoring with ARCI
Avian Research and Conservation Institute (ARCI) is continuing our Swallow-tailed Kite (and Short-tailed Hawk) nest monitoring program “Eyes on Kites”. ARCI has monitored nesting Swallow-tailed …