We are in our second year of a satellite-tracking study of Magnificent Frigatebirds to determine where these birds breed, the timing of migration from roosts to breeding areas, patterns of seasonal …
Milestone reached for multi-partner White-crowned Pigeon tracking project
Ricardo Miller, NEPAWe are happy to report that ARCI has reached its goal of deploying satellite transmitters on White-crowned Pigeons in the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Bahamas, and Florida for …
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Five tagged Swallow-tailed Kites back in last year’s nesting areas, two more yet to reach the US.
ARCI’s 3/12/14 blog confirmed that one kite, MIA, had reached the US and was already back near his Miami nesting neighborhood. We also described oceanic flights-in-progress for four additional kites. …
MIA is back! Four birds over water.
**Note: Today's narrative reflects the most recent satellite data as of late last night, 11 March. The map shows movements only through 10 March. MIA launched from the Northern Yucatan at about …
Swallow-tailed Kite Migration: Birds on the move
MIA has coursed up through Central America, making his way to northern Nicaragua. With a tailwind, he could fly directly from Honduras, overwater to the Yucatan, or even all the way to Florida. We’ll …
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Swallow-tailed Kite Migration
MIA is making headway through Colombia, crossing a challenging obstacle along the migration route, the Andes Mountains.Day, also in Colombia, broke from the pack at the Peruvian border and is 460 …
Swallow-tailed Kite Migration: MIA takes the lead, PearlMS still at wintering site
As of 17 February, MIA has taken the lead among the eight satellite-tracked kites. He skipped through the northeastern corner of Peru and is just across the border into Colombia.Two hundred and fifty …
Swallow-tailed Kite Migration: Pearl MS last to begin migration
Movements of eight, satellite-tracked Swallow-tailed Kites as they begin their journey north. Day and Slidell are about tied for first place on their northbound migration. Both are in the …
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