Dr. Jennifer Coulson, President and Conservation Chair of the Orleans Audubon Society, studies population and nesting ecology of Swallow-tailed Kites in Louisiana and Mississippi. She’s also a …
Happy Tracking Anniversary to a Persistent Jamaican Pigeon!
Ricardo Miller prepares to release Trelawny after a successful tagging.WOW! We’ve been tracking Trelawny, an adult, female, White-crowned Pigeon (Patagioenas leucocephala) for 4 years using the …
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Taking the Breezy Way Out
With the ability to stay aloft over water for weeks at a time, we can assume that Magnificent Frigatebirds usually fare well when displaced by hurricanes. We observed this survival strategy with one …
A resilient and now famous Short-tailed Hawk
ARCI has been studying Short-tailed Hawks, one of Florida’s rarest raptors, since 1999. These stunning raptors are sometimes overlooked because of their secretive behaviors. They hunt from high …
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Go With the Wind; A Swallow-tailed Kite gets the best migration conditions
WOW! Apopka, the rehabilitated Swallow-tailed Kite with the GPS/GSM-transmitter, made it safely to Central America. Was Apopka lucky, or did it know a change in the weather loomed? We believe it was …
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Go With the Wind; A Swallow-tailed Kite gets the best migration conditions
WOW! Apopka, the rehabilitated Swallow-tailed Kite with the GPS/GSM-transmitter, made it safely to Central America. Was Apopka lucky, or did it know a change in the weather loomed? We believe it was …
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A Snail of a Tale: radio-tagged Snail Kites and Hurricane Irma
In 2012, ARCI deployed satellite transmitters on twelve Snail Kites in peninsular Florida to study their movements in relation to habitat availability, site preferences, and use of publicly-owned …
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Tree islands provide protection for coastal egrets during Hurricane Irma
What do you think Reddish Egrets living along the Gulf Coast of Florida did during Category 4 Hurricane Irma? If you’ll recall, we have been tracking six of these birds for several years …
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