Before reading on: Be sure to familiarize yourself with the eleven Swallow-tailed Kites we’re tracking in last week’s blog, “New and Familiar Feathers”.In September 2017, our attention turned to the …
New and Familiar Feathers; Eleven Swallow-tailed Kites begin migrating north
Before we kick off this season’s Swallow-tailed Kite Northbound Migration blog series, we want to recognize all the members of our Swallow-tailed Kite Tracking Program. We are currently tracking …
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Bogue Falaya’s Debut from the Bayou
Dr. Jennifer Coulson, President and Conservation Chair of the Orleans Audubon Society, studies population and nesting ecology of Swallow-tailed Kites in Louisiana and Mississippi. She’s also a …
Happy Tracking Anniversary to a Persistent Jamaican Pigeon!
Ricardo Miller prepares to release Trelawny after a successful tagging.WOW! We’ve been tracking Trelawny, an adult, female, White-crowned Pigeon (Patagioenas leucocephala) for 4 years using the …
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Taking the Breezy Way Out
With the ability to stay aloft over water for weeks at a time, we can assume that Magnificent Frigatebirds usually fare well when displaced by hurricanes. We observed this survival strategy with one …
A resilient and now famous Short-tailed Hawk
ARCI has been studying Short-tailed Hawks, one of Florida’s rarest raptors, since 1999. These stunning raptors are sometimes overlooked because of their secretive behaviors. They hunt from high …
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Go With the Wind; A Swallow-tailed Kite gets the best migration conditions
WOW! Apopka, the rehabilitated Swallow-tailed Kite with the GPS/GSM-transmitter, made it safely to Central America. Was Apopka lucky, or did it know a change in the weather loomed? We believe it was …
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Go With the Wind; A Swallow-tailed Kite gets the best migration conditions
WOW! Apopka, the rehabilitated Swallow-tailed Kite with the GPS/GSM-transmitter, made it safely to Central America. Was Apopka lucky, or did it know a change in the weather loomed? We believe it was …
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